Families who wish for their child to receive the sacrament of First Holy Communion should enroll in our Faith Formation Program.
Children must be enrolled a minimum of one year prior to beginning preparation for First Holy Communion. Typically, they would begin in Kindergarten then 1st grade would be their first year preparation and receive the sacrament after their 2nd preparation year (Spring of 2nd grade). Children must be at least in the second grade to receive the sacrament of First Eucharist. For children who have received preparation at another Catholic church, proof of attendance is required from the DRE or Pastor of the church in which they were enrolled.
If a child attended the required two-year preparation program but did not actually receive First Holy Communion, then the child must be enrolled in the fall and attending faith formation in order to receive First Holy Communion in the spring at St. Jerome.
If a student is behind on their sacraments, St. Jerome offers a program to enroll them in their normal grade level and holds special classes so they can be prepared to receive the sacrament.
Please Click Here for Enrollment Information For Youth
If an adult is in need of First Communion and other sacraments they should enroll in our OCIA (formerly RCIA) classes.
Please Click Here for Information on OCIA