I would like to thank you for allowing me to serve as President of the Men’s Club for the last nine years. It has been a blessing to have parishioners and a community that supported our events. A special thank you to the dedicated Men’s Club officers, the Club members, the late Monsignor John Flanagan for past support and also for the support of Father Rodolfo Caballero during his tenure at St. Jerome. Special recognition should be given to the wives and children of our members. I know the time your husband and fathers spent away from you, can never be regained. Without your support, everything we have done these past nine years would not have been so successful. How blessed we are at St. Jerome, to have the CYO, Cub & Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Youth Ministry, CCD, and of course the ladies of our Men’s Club that have taken valuable time out of their busy schedule to help and support the Men’s Club events. I ask you to help me support the new officers, so that we can reach the dream of making our parish one that everyone can call home. It has truly been a very special and rewarding experience for me.
God bless,
Mike Kallies