The St. Jerome Men’s Club is an organization that is sponsored by St. Jerome Catholic Church. The Men’s Club consists not only of men of our parish but, also men who live in our community. We all join together as one to strive to make our community a better place to live and a safe environment for our children. The Men’s Club has fund raisers during the year. All the money we raise at our fund raisers goes toward running our men’s club and helping different organizations in the parish and in the community.
Men's Club Objectives:
To promote the spiritual welfare of its members
To promote faithful attendance at Mass, communion and club meetings
To promote active involvement in church activities and committee activities
To further Christian sociability among the members and the parishioners
To financally help worthy causes and organizations in our church and community.
The Men's Club meets the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00pm in the meeting room in the O'Brien Activity Center. We hold our meeting, eat a dinner prepared by a men's club member and socialize the rest of the evening.