5:00PM Holy Mass and Healing Service with Australian Visionary, Healer, Mystic
Come and Listen to Alan’s amazing story of God’s love. From a violent man Alan’s heart was transformed to a humble loving servant of God. Alan lives a deeply mystical prayer life, and has been graced with the gift of Healing. Alan travels throughout the world to evangelize and heal those in need. We are blessed to have him back to San Antonio again! Please invite your family, friends and neighbors to come.
Alan Ames, an internationally known evangelist, visionary mystic who has been given the gift of healing will be praying over each individual who attends the healing services. Many miraculous cures have occurred during these services. Alan has the endorsements of many Bishops and Priests throughout the world, including Bishop Flanagan who wrote, “Alan’s message is sincere, sound and he speaks and writes in fidelity to the teachings of the Church. He has my permission to speak in this Archdiocese and share his message of Hope and Healing”.