Life Teen will be hosting their first annual Zumba-thon fundraiser on January 16, 2015 to raise proceeds for our ministry. You may choose to be a Sponsor, Vendor, or Supporter. All Sponsors, donators and supporters will be listed on our website and event flyers. Levels of sponsorship include the following:
Diamond $1000 – You will receive an appreciation picture from or teens, advertizing on promotional materials including, Zumba-thon t-shirts, inclusion in public service announcements, company logo on promotional material on our website and your company name on event banners/posters as well as an entry for ten participants.
Platinum $750 - You will receive advertising on promotional materials including t-shirts, inclusions in public service announcements, company logo on promotional materials and on our website and your company name on event banners/posters as well as entrance for six participants.
Gold $500 – You will receive advertising on promotional materials including t-shirts, and company logo on promotional materials and on our website as well as entrance for four participants.
Silver $250 – You will receive advertizing on promotional materials including t-shirts and company logo on promotional materials as well as entrance for two participants.
For more information contact, Jessica Lubianski 210-485-9872
Direct Donations
If you would like to make a donation directly please click the paypal link below.